Blessing of the Animals
Yes, bring your pets to be blessed at this special service. If Fido or Fluffy isn’t good in crowds, bring a photo.
Yes, bring your pets to be blessed at this special service. If Fido or Fluffy isn’t good in crowds, bring a photo.
In an era of great conflict and controversy, how do we create a space to have conversation, how do we find a way to talk to each other? Aaron Davis, “a southern-raised gun enthusiast and special education teacher who made to work for the … read more.
Rev. Hultgren is a full-time chaplain at the University of Kentucky HealthCare in Lexington, with oncology as her clinical focus. UUCL ordained her to the Unitarian Universalist ministry during the record snowstorm in January 2016. Between 2009 and 2014 she served as a chaplain in … read more.
Baby Dedication, New Member Recognition and Religious Education Volunteers Recognition
We are bombarded with words. The information age has assured no escape from information, but also, no guarantee of truth, accuracy, or nobility. How do we who want to live as faithful people make sense of the cacophony? We can start by orienting … read more.
The gospel writer Luke dropped parables into his story line, seemingly at random. He tells a story of a land owner who wanted to cut down a fig tree that had not born fruit for three years. The gardener asks for another year. Today we … read more.
What will our new covenant be as we embark on a renewed vision in 2019?