Speaker: Rev. Mitra Jafarzadeh

Written on Our Hearts

We are bombarded with words. The information age has assured no escape from information, but also, no guarantee of truth, accuracy, or nobility. How do we who want to live as faithful people make sense of the cacophony? We can start by orienting … read more.

Flower Communion ?

We held a special 6:45 a.m. sunrise service followed by a breakfast.

The 11 A.M. SERVICE includes our annual Flower Communion. Please bring a flower to share if possible. Extras will be available.

To Be The Potter or The Clay

God scooped mud from the ground, blew breath into it and Adam came to life. Pandora, of Greek fame, was likewise made of clay. Ancient creation stories keep us humble, but in the era of genetically modified babies, who do we say we are in … read more.

Pause and Breathe

There comes a time when we all must pause and reflect on where we’ve been and where we want to go. Ministers are no exception. This service will take the time to wish Rev. Mitra well, while she takes that brief opportunity to pause as … read more.