Category: News

Learn, Grow and Be Together July 26 onward

“Ladder to the Light” discussion tonight, July 26

Rev. Mitra continues discussion about the book “Ladder to the Light” Tuesday, July 26, at 6 p.m.

Steven Charleston, a citizen of the Choctaw Nation and an ordained Episcopal priest, wrote the book “Ladder to the Light: An Indigenous Elder’s … read more.

Reserving Rooms at Church

Meeting room requests are on the rise! It is important that any group or committee that wants to hold a meeting at church remember to fill out a green room reservation request form and submit it to the office for approval and addition to … read more.

Split the Plate for this fiscal year

The Outreach Committee will meet in early August to select the Split-the-Plate recipients for the next several months. If any St. Johners would like to recommend a nonprofit for consideration, please forward your suggestions to Deb Potochnik at before August 1st.