St. John’s has a Board of Trustees composed of seven members: President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Finance Director, Program Director, Member at-Large, and Secretary of the Board. Generally, a person serves as VP, then President, then Immediate Past President for a three-year commitment.

On behalf of the congregation, the Board is responsible for policy development and compliance, and the administrative management of the real and personal property of the church, its business affairs, and all contracts. The Board shall keep the congregation informed of its decisions and activities.

Here are the most recent  Congregational Bylaws.  

Here are the most recent Policy Manuals:

General Board Policies

Personnel Policies

Safe Congregation Policies

Finance Policies

2024 Congregational Meeting June 2, 2024

Online and in-person after service (approximately 12:40 PM)

Thank you to our members (71 total!) who attended in person and online to approve new leaders, and approve a new budget for the coming year! Please see the links below for results and details.


Slide Presentation from the Board 

Slate of Candidates Approved For Board, Fund Trustees, Leadership Committee

Approved Budget

Annual Report 

Unapproved Meeting Minutes



2023 Congregational Meeting June 4, 2023

The agenda included voting on a budget, for bylaw changes, and for leadership candidates.

Here is the 2022-2023 annual report from church and team leaders.

This is the proposed budget that was accepted.

Among bylaw changes proposed, the first five here were approved. The last was separated into two, with the “call” portion approved and “dismissal” portion voted down:

Status of President and VP 

Ministerial Search Committee

Membership Amendment regarding imminent danger

Update to Financial Audit/Assessment

Update to Committee on Ministry

Call and Dismissal of Minister

Candidates for board positions were all approved by member vote:

Melissa Rowland – President – two-year term (president, then immediate past president)
Joetta Prost – V.P. – three-year term
Lyn O’Brien – Finance director – three-year term
Susan Small – Member at Large – three-year term
Ann Schuur – Program Director – two-year term
Monica Pellman – Secretary – one-year term
Alicia Rosselot – Member of Leadership Committee

David Strecker – Member of Leadership Committee

This link has short biographies of all candidates.