Topic: Spirituality

Will You Come to the Table?

Would you, could we, accept a place at the table of beloved community? Would we be skeptical of a wide and warm welcome? Would we be suspicious of motives behind an invitation? Maybe it wouldn’t be right to accept the invitation if … read more.

Rev. Diana Hultgren

Rev. Hultgren is a full-time chaplain at the University of Kentucky HealthCare in Lexington, with oncology as her clinical focus. UUCL ordained her to the Unitarian Universalist ministry during the record snowstorm in January 2016. Between 2009 and 2014 she served as a chaplain in … read more.

Written on Our Hearts

We are bombarded with words. The information age has assured no escape from information, but also, no guarantee of truth, accuracy, or nobility. How do we who want to live as faithful people make sense of the cacophony? We can start by orienting … read more.

Flower Communion ?

We held a special 6:45 a.m. sunrise service followed by a breakfast.

The 11 A.M. SERVICE includes our annual Flower Communion. Please bring a flower to share if possible. Extras will be available.

To Be The Potter or The Clay

God scooped mud from the ground, blew breath into it and Adam came to life. Pandora, of Greek fame, was likewise made of clay. Ancient creation stories keep us humble, but in the era of genetically modified babies, who do we say we are in … read more.

Touchstones of Faith

All people have some relationship to spirituality. Each of us thinks or feels, or understands something about faith. At our centers, we hold some truths dear and unassailable. Everything else relates to this core belief. For me, this center place is located between deep conviction … read more.