Speaker: Rev. Mitra Jafarzadeh
MAY 13 – When God was a Woman
May 6 – Special Choir Service featuring Eric Whitacre’s Five Hebrew Love Songs
Rev. Mitra will provide reflection on mystical imagery of love and the divine– Rumi, Hafiz, St. John, etc.
April 15 – Artistry and Alchemy: Turning towards the good
Religion is a powerful force in the world. Today we will host the same chalice that will be front and center at the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly. Let us celebrate the goodness of our connections inside these walls and beyond.
April 1 – The Foolishness of Faith
Bunny rabbits laying eggs, life defeating death, love lasting long– Spring is the season for bright and foolish things, especially when Easter and April fool’s day share a spot on the calendar. Come join Robert Fawley and Rev. Mitra as we explore the gifts and … read more.
March 18 – On the Point of an Egg: An Equinox Sermon
Once in a great while we find ourselves perfectly balanced. It is a good place to be, a tough place to stay. Eventually, we will tip to one side or another. Come this Sunday and we will celebrate the equinox even as we admit that … read more.
March 11 – Heroes and Monsters
Daredevil and The Punisher are superheroes of our modern age. They make a gritty pair of philosophizers and theologians. If the stories we tell and those we listen to tell us who we are, then the Marvel inspired scripts playing out on large screens and … read more.
What do we invest in? We give our hopes and ourselves to our children, for we understand the importance of nurturing them, but what else to we invest in? I think there are but few things which we think of beyond the scope of this … read more.
Me Too
This Sunday’s sermon will directly address harassment and violence against women. You may choose to avoid this service if the subject matter is upsetting. Alternately, if you have been waiting for church to be honest and upfront about the subject, you may want to attend and … read more.
“Coming Together and Holding Together: It’s Complicated”
Rev. Mitra and Intern Alice went to Tulsa, Oklahoma in October to experience the largest congregation in our denomination. Our experience was steeped in a mix of cultures and ideas. The congregation began in the aftermath of a racial massacre and is moving forward with … read more.