Learn, Grow and Be Together July – August

It’s a little quieter in the summer, but not silent!

Sanctuary and Immigration Team, virtually 3rd Mondays. Next meeting July 15

Learn with our St. John’s UU Sanctuary and Immigration Team (SIT) about the region’s immigrants and refugees and how to support them. SIT just changed its meeting day to the 3rd Monday of the month at 7 p.m. by Zoom.

 We are members of the Cincinnati Immigrant Dignity Coalition, and are involved with community organizations in our Cincinnati area, Butler County and Northern Kentucky. All are welcome at the meetings. For info and the Zoom link, contact: Sarah Loar Seibert, SIT coordinator, at seibertcs@zoomtown.com.

The office will be closed July 15-19.

 dust panCoffee Hour Volunteers Needed
The coffee hour volunteer signup sheet for July, August, and September is up outside Krolfifer. Please volunteer to help Jeff with coffee hour clean-up on one or more Sundays. You will be needed for about an hour after Sunday service. Jeff will show you what to do. It’s more work than we should ask Jeff to do himself, so please consider volunteering. If you have any questions email Rich Overturf

Our Yard Sale is Aug. 3, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Find good stuff at good prices!


Meditation on Wednesdays and Sundays

Meditation is available 4-5 p.m. Wednesdays in Haehnle Hall and from 10-10:45 a.m. on Sundays in the Gandhi Room.  For more information, or if you plan to come for the first time to the Wednesday session, please contact Erna or Alicia beforehand at erna.olafson@gmail.com or Alicia at 513-807-9902.

Brown bag lunch with Rev. Jenn Thursdays is canceled until August. lunch bags

Rev. Jenn is on vacation from June 25 – Saturday, July 27.