From Brennan Grayson
Brennan Grayson, St. John’s Unitarian member and the Director of the Cincinnati Interfaith Workers Center has recently prepared a book manuscript, with a co-author Dave Tynes called Why Sanctuary Matters, The Betrayal of Cincinnati’s New Immigrants.
The book explores the issue of Sanctuary city policy by looking closely at the situation in Cincinnati, where Sanctuary was declared in 2017. The book explores Cincinnati’s contested status as a Sanctuary city from a variety of perspectives. Brennan and his co-author will host an on-line book discussion in two parts. On Tuesday, April 21st 14 at noon and Tuesday, April 28th at noon.
The authors are looking for a publisher, but promotional copies of the book can be requested by sending your street address to Please contact for a digital (PDF) copy of the book. We will also send you the Zoom link.