December 24 – 11:00 Intergenerational Christmas Story 7:00 Christmas Eve Service
11:00 a.m. Intergenerational Christmas Story
7:00 p.m. – Christmas Eve Service
11:00 a.m. Intergenerational Christmas Story
7:00 p.m. – Christmas Eve Service
This past autumn there seems to have been an increased awareness of how women move through the world of work, politics, education, life, in a way that is particular to our gendered identity. Misogyny seems to be on the rise, or at least we are … read more.
Many of us grew up with rituals of saying grace before meals. It was a simple way of saying “Thank you.” As we grow and learn more, our understanding of the grace we give and receive changes. Today we will consider the many facets of … read more.
There are many ways to be hungry, hungry in body, spirit, soul. Likewise, there are many ways to nourish each other. Come this Sunday we will explore the ways we feed ourselves and each other.
Today we set aside time to honor those who we have loved and lost. You are invited to bring a photograph or memento of a loved one who has passed. Together we will lay an altar and share our stories.
In Fall, we begin to face the longer nights as we leave the long days of summer behind. Many feel uneasy and yearn for the sunshine, afraid of what the encroaching darkness brings. Nicole Stanforth will share her journey with facing the darkness of depression and … read more.
Rita Dove Said, “If we’re going to solve the problems of the world, we have to learn how to talk to one another. Poetry is the language at its essence. It is the bones and the skeleton of the language. It teaches you, if nothing … read more.
What does it mean for us to support one another? How do we be friends to the soul? This Sunday we will look more closely at the story of Sufi Poet, Rumi and his teacher Shams as well as other models of friendship from well-known … read more.