Over the past several years, we have paid new attention to our building and its needs. As a congregation, we have committed to restoring the front wall of the sanctuary and preventing future damage through regular maintenance.
All of this has me thinking about the spaces in which we gather to create community. In our sanctuary we sing and learn. We are challenged to think about, or act on our beliefs and we share important stories of our lives. The way our space is put together reflects certain values and expectations. It is not the only way to put together an architecture of re-connection.
During the month of June, most sermons will consider different ways people put together houses of worship, churches, and sacred spaces. We will talk about the kiva and cathedral as well as the implications of living in “glass houses.”
Also in June, we will return to having a story for all ages during service. If you would like to share a story about kivas, cathedrals, or glass houses, just let me know. I look forward to spending June with you!