Our fifth UU principle states in part that we covenant to affirm and promote “the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” St. John’s is an independent congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association. With that freedom comes the responsibility to govern ourselves and a responsibility to volunteer for leadership positions. Volunteering provides an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. Please consider one of these volunteer positions.
The Nominating Committee is actively recruiting nominations for the 2018 elections which are held during the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 10, 2018. Listed below are the available positions and process for nominations. All terms are for two years beginning July 1, 2018, except for Finance Council Director which is for one year beginning July 1, 2018.
Individuals may nominate others by submitting names and positions to the Nominating Committee. Individuals who wish to run for a specific office may nominate themselves by submitting a written statement to the Nominating Committee signed by at least five members of the Congregation. The deadline for all nominations is Sunday, May 6 (five weeks prior to the Annual Meeting). All candidates must be full, voting members. A voting member has been a member of St. John’s for at least 90 days before the Annual Meeting.
Please contact Nominating Committee members for a detailed description of each elected position. Names and email addresses of Nominating Committee members are at the end of this document.
Serves one year as Vice President and the second year as President. As Vice President he/she assists the President in the execution of his or her duties, facilitates inter-council functioning, monitors task force development and assumes the duties of the President when the President is unavailable. As President he/she is the chief administrator of the Congregation and shall preside at all meetings of the Congregation and all meetings of the Board.
Has responsibility for all non-financial records of the church and keeps accurate minutes of all meetings of the Congregation and the Board.
All Council Directors are responsible for organizing and administering the work of their respective Councils. The Directors serve as the liaison to the Board for activities, issues and concerns of their associated committees and volunteers.
Is in charge of developing and administering the financial program of the church. The Finance Council Director, working with a Board appointed Treasurer, supervises the expenditure of church monies and provides for the written accounting of all the financial transactions of the church. The Finance Council Director keeps informed of the financial condition of the church, reports to the Board and the Congregation, and prepares financial forecasts as required.
Supports and encourages a strong sense of community within the congregation through its coordination of social groups and committees that bring members and friends of the church together.
Supports and encourages church relationships beyond its doors through social witness and action. This Council is also responsible for facilitating the church’s involvement in denominational affairs.
Is responsible for coordinating matters concerning church property, including maintenance, improvements and aesthetics.
Serve as trustees of all endowment and other special funds authorized by the Congregation or the Board.
Works with other members of the Nominating Committee to create a slate for those positions open on the Board of Trustees as well as the Fund Trustees and the Nominating Committee following guidelines set out in the bylaws.
Nominating Committee Members 2018
Kelly Churchwright churchlaw@gmail.com
Debbie Combs, chair deb.combs10@gmail.com
LaDonna Fritz ladonnajfritz@gmail.com
Cliff Shisler cshisler@gmail.com
David Roth (ex officio member) davidmroth859@gmail.com