Learn, Grow & Be Together Feb-March

LAFS Dinner Feb. 21

The Lively After 50 February dinner will be at Laszlo’s Iron Skillet Restaurant, 1020 Ohio Pike, Cincinnati, 45245 on Feb. 21 at 6 p.m. If you would like to attend please let Anne Septic know by Feb. 18.

The consensus seems to be that moving to the 2nd Friday of the month will work for most everyone.  We will make that move with our March dinner.

The Spiritual Work of Trans Justice & Safety Workshop Feb. 22 from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

E-news recipients have details in their inboxes.

Next Soup and Bread Lunch: Sunday, Feb. 23

The next Soup and Bread Lunch in support of our Partner Church in Szentlàslò, Romania, is Feb. 23. This is also the day for the kick-off of the pledge campaign. The campaign team will distribute info. to folks while we eat lunch. 

Over the years, our Soup and Bread lunches have become as much about our church community as about raising money for Szentlàslò. With a $6 charge for adults, we’ve had a “pay next time” policy for any who forgot to bring money. Now, we want to expand that policy to a “pay what you will” plan. We don’t want anyone to not stay for lunch due to financial concerns. Of course, on the flip side, we will always accept extra, as the money goes to our partner church. 

Also, thinking more about food allergies, in addition to labeling vegetarian, vegan, and gluten, we have expanded our labeling to include other allergens.

Book discussion: On Tyranny

Discussion: Ten-week review and discussion of the book/videos from “On Tyranny” by Timothy Snyder. Rev. Jenn will host a Zoom review of the book on Tyranny. Each session will be 60-90 minutes long and will start with watching two short videos by Timothy Snyder from his book and then discussing them. Purchase of the book is helpful but not required. Attending all the sessions is helpful but not required. Rev. Jenn will work to find a time that works for the most people. Let the office know if you are interested. 

MARCC is the topic for the March 2 forum  

Bob Lamb, a member of Heritage UU Church, is the designated UU Council of Greater Cincinnati (UUCGC) representative on the executive board of the Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati (MARCC). 

He will tell us what he thinks that means, and why it is important. Bob will talk about the current and future plans for these organizations, and how we can help. The forum is 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. Sunday, March 2 in Krolfifer Fellowship Hall. 

Mark your calendar: Big Congregational Discussion with the Both/And Team March 2   
Sunday, March 2, after the service we’ll gather in the sanctuary and on Zoom to learn and talk with the Both/And Team.  We’ll learn about their efforts to plan how we can address both the deferred maintenance issues (such as HVAC replacement) and the improvements we want to make to our building (for example: accessible restrooms). 

Get Ready for our April 5 Auction!

This is our annual FUNdraiser. Have you marked your calendars?

It’s time to start thinking about what you might offer. Are you a regular at a business that might donate a gift card? Do you have a service you could offer – clean someone’s outdoor furniture for spring, help someone downsize, detail a car? Do you have wood-working/quilt-making/jam-making/cake or cookie making skills? Will you offer a themed dinner or a no-theme brunch? Signups begin soon.
(Again this year – save your “household stuff” for the Aug. 9 rummage sale, unless you have something very special to donate.)

More details to follow.

St. John’s LGBTQ+ Community Email Group

St. John’s members and friends who identify as LGBTQ+ are invited to contact Rev. Jenn, Greg Terhune, or Joetta Prost, to be added to our St. John’s LGBTQ+ Community email group.  


Meditation on Wednesdays and Sundays

Meditation is available 4-5 p.m. Wednesdays in Haehnle Hall and from 10-10:45 a.m. on Sundays in the Gandhi Room.  For more information, or if you plan to come for the first time to the Wednesday session, please contact Erna or Alicia beforehand.

Brown bag lunches with Rev. Jennlunch bags

Join Rev. Jenn and others for casual conversation at noon Wednesdays at church.

Tai Chi Thursdays

 Nan Fox leads Tai Chi classes in Krolfifer Hall 10-11 a.m. Thursdays through March 27. Come to the side door, up the few steps from the parking lot. Please join us for this beautiful moving meditation. All are welcome and there is no cost.

Nan Fox has been practicing Tai Chi for many years, teaching at St. John’s and at UU summer camps. Contact Nan with any questions.