Learn, Grow & Be Together, Fall 2023

Register for Chalice Groups by Oct. 28 

rainbow chaliceChalice groups will begin in November and are being led by experienced facilitators. Groups of eight to 10 individuals will meet monthly via Zoom to discuss topics around a theme.

Discussions are designed to build community and deepen relationships through spiritual exploration and a shared search for meaning. Groups will use materials from Soul Matters.QR code for chalice groups

All who attend St. John’s are welcome. Please register by Oct. 28 by using the QR code or going to http://bit.ly/stjohnschalicegroups23. Contact Diana Long at diana.r.long@gmail.com if you have questions or need more information.

Attention Parents and Volunteers: Children’s Programming Planning

The Children’s Program is going to hold two Parent & Volunteer meetings:
 Sunday, Oct. 22, in the chapel and on Zoom, 12:30-1 p.m. rainbow silhouette of children
Thursday, Oct. 26, on  Zoom, 7-7:30 p.m.

Come and discuss the plan for this year with Rev. Jenn and Ashleigh Rhodes, our director of children and youth programming. Send questions to Ashleigh at arhodes@stjohnsuu.org.

Let’s Get Started >>>> > >>  Oct. 27
In order to help congregations and new ministers begin their time together with a positive focus, UUA Regional Staff facilitate what’s known as a Ministerial Start Up Workshop. Each congregation and new minister have slightly different needs and the workshop is tailored for those unique needs as well as for the type of ministry (in our case, interim ministry with Rev. Jenn). The workshop can involve both lay leaders and congregants.  
We are fortunate that the Rev. Dr. Lisa Presley, from the UUA MidAmerica Regional Staff, is coming to Cincinnati to facilitate a Start-Up Workshop for St. John’s on Friday, Oct. 27, and Saturday, Oct. 28. ALL congregants are invited and encouraged to attend on Friday, Oct. 27, from 7 to 9 p.m. Light snacks and desserts will be served and there will be interesting conversation led by Rev. Lisa. Then on Saturday, the Board and Rev. Jenn will meet with Rev. Lisa.
For interim ministries, a start-up time welcomes the new minister, marks that this is a time of transition, and helps the congregation move more fully into the time of interim ministry, including welcoming change and understanding the role of leadership in change. We hope everyone will join in this process on Oct. 27.

~ Rev. Jenn & the St. John’s Board of Trustees

Nov. 5 Men’s Group Pot-Luck and Program:  Do Men Want to Show Up?

arms connectedFour Men’s Group members who have volunteered to serve SJ in various capacities — Board Trustee, Project Director, Treasurer, Justice Ministry — will reflect on how the engagement of men doing volunteer service both at SJ and beyond has declined, despite the value of such service not only for the community but also for them as individuals. In addition, Cliff Shisler, Tom Darner, Jim McDonough and John Kachuba will facilitate a discussion of how men might be involved in collaborative efforts to enhance St. John’s future. Please bring a dish for the pot-luck dinner beginning at 6 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 5, with the program to follow dinner. RSVP to tdarner43@aol.com. 

Partner Church Soup and Bread Lunch Nov. 12

Join us on Nov. 12 after service to enjoy homemade soup, yummy bread and desserts. Lunch is $6, and the proceeds go to benefit our sister church in St. Laszlo, Romania. The sign-up board to contribute is in the lobby or contact Mary Lynne at marylynne7@gmail.com. Soup makers and bakers appreciated!

Adult Forums 3rd Sunday of the month, before service. Next is Nov. 19

The Adult Faith Formation team offers forums of different topics on the third Sunday of the month. The time will be 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. in Krolfifer, our fellowship hall.

Nov. 19 topic: Revitalizing Green Sanctuary at St. John’s

Jeanne Nightingale will present updates on Revitalizing Green Sanctuary at St. John’s. More to come …
Do you have a topic you would like to share? Please contact Amy Monson at amymagdic@gmail.com.


Meditation on Wednesdays

Meditation is available 4-5 p.m.Wednesdays. For more information, contact Erna at erna.olafson@gmail.com or Alicia at 513-807-9902. If you plan to come for the first time, please contact one of us beforehand so that we can look for you and let you into the building. 

Tai Chi and Chi Gong, Next meeting Nov. 2

Tai Chi and Chi Gong classes will meet in Krolfifer Hall on Thursdays from 10-11 a.m., every other week. There are 8 classes, from Sept. 7to Dec. 14.

Please consider joining us for this beautiful moving meditation done to music (Huang style). We warm up with Chi Gong exercises, share poetry and check-in with each other. All are welcome.

Nan Fox has been practicing Tai Chi for many years, teaching at St. John’s and at UU summer camps. Questions? Feel free to email Nan at nanfox60@gmail.com.

Next Forum: Sustaining sustainability at St. John’s, 9:45 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 19Green Sanctuary logo

As an accredited Green Sanctuary Church, we at St. John’s have made a sacred commitment to the spirit of life that sustains us as members of the interconnected web of all being.
Such a proud achievement! But what do we need to do to sustain this commitment to the 7th principle as we deepen our connection with the Earth and with each other as we move into the uncertain future of climate change?
Come learn about GREEN SANCTUARY 2030: Mobilizing for Climate Justice Nov. 19.
The UUA provides new opportunities to engage in an ambitious environmental and climate justice movement that seeks to live fully our principles and achieve our vision of a sustainable and just world for all.
Shall we at St. John’s explore this new opportunity? 

Sanctuary and Immigration Team, 7 p.m. virtually usually 3rd Wedn. of the month. But Nov. is Monday, Nov. 6

St. John’s UU Sanctuary and Immigration Team (SIT) meets to discuss how to support the region’s immigrants and refugees. Tonight’s meeting was rescheduled from 2 weeks ago. SIT normally meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. by Zoom.

We are members of the Cincinnati Immigrant Dignity Coalition coordinated by Ignite Peace, and are involved with community organizations in our Cincinnati area, Butler County and Northern Kentucky. Join us to discover the many things that we do.

Visit, come to observe, or participate. Contact: Sarah Loar Seibert, SIT coordinator, at seibertcs@zoomtown.com.

Brown bag lulunch bagsnch with Rev. Jenn Thursdays

Bring your lunch and let’s eat and chat together! Noon, Thursdays, at church.