Donating information
The “Together, Weaving our Future” pledge campaign for 2025-2026 is on a new page
For the upcoming fiscal year, 2025-2026, for which we started our “Together, Weaving our Future” pledge campaign Feb. 23, go to our new pledge website.
Giving options in 2024-2025
Members and friends can give to St. John’s using online, mobile and text giving via Vanco Mobile and Vanco Online.
- For online banking, click on St. John’s Vanco Online page. Funds show before you even log in. Select the fund you’re giving to, enter an amount and click “Donate.” Enter your bank account, credit card or debit information. If you sign up for a free account and make a profile, you can save your payment information for future donations. See the steps on this example.
From your Vanco Online account, you can review your giving history, manage recurring donations or update payment information. NOTE: We are seeing it takes 2-3 days for transactions to process.
- For mobile banking, (from your phone): Download the new app from either the Apple App store or Google Play store. Look for this logo and name:
Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement. Search using “Cincinnati” or “Unitarian” and choose “St Johns Unitarian Universalist Church.” Setting up your profile and account involves choosing from some options at the bottom of each screen. Click “Done” after each choice. This page shows the steps.
For texting, send a text to 833-876-7595. Maybe call it “Donate to St. John’s” in your contacts list. Select the fund you’re giving to, the amount and the frequency. Enter your contact info., bank account or credit card number – which can be saved – and touch “process.” After your first gift, you’ll receive a secure registration link. Confirmation comes via text and email. This 1-minute video walks you through the steps, starting at :20.
You may still do automatic payments from your bank account or use the link below to pay this year’s pledge or to make a special contribution via PayPal or credit card to support St. John’s community. If you have questions or wish to initiate automatic payments for your pledge, please email Thank you for your generosity!
If for some reason, you need info. from this current year, that’s below.
2024-2025 Pledge Campaign to Support St. Johns’ Operating Budget
In spring 2024, we asked members and friends of St. John’s to make a financial commitment for the July 2024 – June 2025 operating budget. But you can make a pledge any time.
Here are the materials for this year’s pledge campaign:
- Pledge form for MEMBERS –
- Pledge form for FRIENDS –
- UUA Fair Share Contribution Guide
- ACH form for giving via bank account withdrawals.
- A special message to members and friends about this year’s campaign
In support of the life-changing mission of our beloved congregation, and the 2024-2025 budget planning process, we ask that you please make your pledge before April 28, 2024.
Questions may be addressed to Questions may be addressed to the Pledge Campaign Team: Charles Spencer, Winnie Goodridge, or Joetta Prost or by emailing
In general, if you wish to make a gift to the church, please contact the church office at or 513-961-1938.
Give to St. John’s while you shop
Many of us already designate St. John’s to receive a donation from Kroger when we shop. If you haven’t done that, we’d appreciate it if you did. Start here: