As some of you know, I love playing games. I am especially fond of games that involve group storytelling. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, I put out a call to my clergy colleagues to see if others might be interested in forming a weekly “Dungeons and Dragons” online gathering to help us stay connected and have a bit of lighthearted fun in what we knew was likely to be a heavy and serious time ahead.
Gathering virtually with a handful of playful, creative colleagues each week has been important for my emotional and spiritual health. Together, we weave stories about lost miners, giant chickens, magic spells, and more.
“Story” was our UU Soul Matters theme for the month of January. What stories will you be weaving this year? Are you imagining new possibilities for your relationships, your health, your work, or other personal pursuits? Are you imagining what policy changes might come from a new federal administration and what work might be done here in our own community to bring about greater peace and justice?
And what about our collective storytelling at St. John’s? The interim period of ministry is a time when we are invited to tell stories of the past and begin writing the next chapter of the congregation’s story. This collective storytelling is different from individual storytelling and requires different skills. Do we have what we need to bring our own ideas to the table while staying open to the influence of others?
Anyone who has participated in improvisational theater and storytelling games has encountered the “YES, AND…” approach: When we are engaged in collective storytelling, it is helpful (and a lot more fun) to take an attitude of openness and acceptance, to welcome others’ ideas and try to build upon them rather than quash or counter them with our own pre-formed plans. How does that idea feel to you when you consider our joint work of imagining the future of St. John’s?
Of course, imagining the future of a congregation can be more serious than a storytelling game. There are bound to be some disagreements and conflicts along the way, even as we strive to listen, accept, and build together. We need not fear such moments. They have a lot to teach us, too!
In January we reflected on the lifegiving and creative potential of shared storytelling as we prepared to continue this important interim work at St. John’s together in 2025.
~ Rev. Jenn