Category: Minister’s Blog

Water Communion Blessing

Some of you have asked for the little blessing I wrote for this year’s Water Communion and the list of dates for other outdoor Sundays. Both are below. I want to thank you all for creatively re-imagining a way to be together.

A Water Communion … read more.

On The Death Penalty

In the early 1970s, the Unitarian Universalist at General Assembly made a public statement against the death penalty.  At St. John’s, the effort to end the death penalty found an echo in a congregation-wide resolution on peace and a more recent resolution against racism.  For, … read more.

Reasons to be Proud

Dear Church,

By now you know that the shutdown came in the middle of our pledge campaign.  We have had a few budget meetings already and another is coming up soon.  I know you have been asked to give to the church, and I have spoken about what … read more.

Voting for our Lives

Dear Church,

In our tradition, we believe that everyone’s voice matters; that everyone deserves to be seen; that each of us have a perspective and that is important. 

Historically, Unitarians and Universalists have worked to promote the voice and vote of all people in our United States.

How … read more.

Internet Safety and Church

Dear Church,

I want to talk about scams and safety on the internet right now. 

Many of us are working more online than we had ever imagined.  This is a opportunity for us to find new connections, and it is an opportunity for the less scrupulous to … read more.