Thematic Thursday, Feb. 17: Daoism
As a new lunar new year starts, we turn our attention east to explore Daoism. Consider reading this article beforehand:
You are welcome to join us for a lively discussion starting at 6 p.m. Feb. 17.
Meeting ID: 975 8899 9177
Passcode: 086017
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Continuing: Provocative winter-time reading, followed by discussion
Not “A Nation of Immigrants” Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and a History of Erasure And Exclusion, by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz.
Join Nat Kutcher and Carol Fencl in a three-session Wednesday night virtual series. Meetings will be held from 7:30-9 p.m., Jan. 19, Feb. 2 and Feb. 16. Potential participants are encouraged to get your copy of the book through your favorite source.
Register at to receive more information and the Zoom link.
Making Room for Grief – New monthly sessions
The recent meetings for those in grief were well attended and appreciated. At the last meeting, we agreed that there were more conversations to be had, both formally and informally.
We would like to invite you to an open space for sharing on the final Saturdays of January, February and March. We will meet upstairs in the Wells Room. Time and dates for the Open Grief Group are at 11 a.m. Jan. 29, Feb. 26, March 26.
New: Worship Round Table
Join Rev. Mitra to create worship for our community. We will have an opportunity to workshop sermons, brainstorm topics, and round out liturgy. This meeting is for everyone interested in worship arts, for those who would like to preach and for those who are interested in being worship associates. Mondays, Jan. 31, Feb. 28, March 28 and April 25, from 6 to 7 p.m. on Zoom. For more information, contact Rev. Mitra at
sitWRITEdown, 7-8:30 p.m. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays; next meeting Feb. 16
The writers’ group, sitWRITEdown, meeting via St. John’s Zoom site, is intended to be a forum for the gestation or continuation of writing. Its hour and a half meeting time frame every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from Jan. 19 to June 15 will have three main components:
- Check-in: to share news from and about participants.
- Active Writing: in response to prompts in the form of words or visuals, or individuals can independently begin or continue writing on their own choice of subject.
- Read-arounds: share and respond to reading aloud any writing produced during the session; participants can “pass” on either reading or commenting.
Another potential activity is to read and critique work produced by participants outside of our gatherings. This activity would be facilitated by participants emailing the work to all participants and asking them to critique it if they wish and respond by return email. We may wish to share some of the resulting “re-vision” process in a regularly scheduled meeting or convene a specific Zoom meeting at the convenience of those who wish to attend.
Join the group here: Meeting ID: 997 3111 5379 Passcode: 211135
Enneagram Study Group, Feb. 17
The Enneagram class meets upstairs in the Wells Room (upstairs). The schedule is 7:15 – 8:30 p.m. every other Thursday, with the next class Feb. 17. Newcomers are welcome! Call David Mast at 513-708-9798 (cell) with any questions or leave a message at 513-751-8394.
Tai Chi, Feb. 21
The Tai Chi class has started again, meeting every other Monday at 10 a.m. in Krolfifer Hall. The next class is Feb. 21. Beginners are welcome and Nan will meet with you at 9:30 a.m. Please let Nan know if you are planning to attend the beginners class, or call her with questions at 513-751-8394.
New: Planning your Memorial Service
Have you thought about what you would like for your memorial service? Is there a tone you would like to create, or a perspective you would like to share? Favorite readings, songs, etc? Planning parts of your service will help your loved ones honor your wishes after you have died. Come to a workshop on memorial service planning March 12 at 11 a.m. We will provide a variety of options and you are welcome to bring readings to share with others.
Worship Round Table
Join Rev. Mitra to create worship for our community. We will have an opportunity to workshop sermons, brainstorm topics, and round out liturgy. This meeting is for everyone interested in worship arts, for those who would like to preach and for those who are interested in being worship associates. Mondays, Jan. 31, Feb. 28, March 28 and April 25, from 6 to 7 p.m. on Zoom. For more information, contact Rev. Mitra at
Nonviolent Communication – 4 sessions starting March 14
Would you like to learn how to initiate real, authentic conversations about things that matter the most to you…at home, at work, and with people in your community? Most of us want to talk about what’s meaningful to us, yet we often shy away from the most important conversations because we fear being rejected, blamed, or alienated.
NonViolent Communication offers tools to help get past the barriers to meaningful conversations.
The Center for NonViolent Communication states: “NVC can be seen as both a spiritual practice that helps us see our common humanity, using our power in a way that honors everyone’s needs, and a concrete set of skills which help us create life-serving families and communities.”
St. John’s member Pamela Wilz will be offering a new “Foundations” 4-session series in this potentially life-changing approach.
Join us as we explore and have some fun together. The new series will meet in person from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. March 14 and 28 and April 11 and 25.
Want more information? Contact Pamela at