We don’t have a formal catalog this year. But once you enter your offerings on the auction website, you’ll be creating one!

Some offering ideas include:

● GIFT CARDS – from restaurants, stores, and more. If you frequent a certain place, just ask. It is surprising how many places are willing to donate. You will give them a tax exempt paper (get these from Nancy Greenlee in the office or Nancy Henry on Sundays)
● TICKETS – to plays, musical events, the zoo, museums, and more. Many of these places have a spot on their website to request donations.
● SERVICES – help with yard work, wash cars, teach a tech skill, research genealogy, pet sit and/or house sit. What can you do?
● FOOD – to take home on April 5 or sign up to receive food at an agreed upon date – baked goods, cereals, soups, quiche, casseroles, jam.
● SOCIAL EVENTS WITH OTHERS – MOST POPULAR – meals in your home, game nights, movie night, springtime walks in a park, cooking lessons. Anything where a few folks gather for fun and conversation.
● HANDMADE ITEMS – greeting cards, knitted items, personal artwork, woodwork – many of you have terrific skills.

Want to create a gift basket? They’re popular! Please wrap it before delivering.

Make sure you mark your calendar for April 5 and think about what you want to contribute. You can fill out a paper form with your contributions, but please try the wonderful auction website. It’s easy to use!

For example, if you want to donate the same food item that you donated last year, you can transfer the information quickly from last year’s form. Also, you can – and please do this! – check the auction calendar within the website to see what and when events are being planned. This will be a great way to avoid two things happening on the same day.

You may have an account if you contributed or bid on anything at last year’s auction. Your password is probably the last four digits of your phone number. Directions are pretty clear, but if you have trouble contact us at auction@stjohnsuu.org . There are several of us here to help.
See our Auction 2025 page for more info.

Of course, we’ll need VOLUNTEERS to help the night of the event as well as the week before and the week after. Please see opportunities on this Signup Genius form.