Adult Faith Formation
Religious Education for Adults
Adult Faith Formation takes many forms at St. John’s. We have discussions, lectures, practice groups, book-based classes, adult forums, and films.
All of our classes are open to members, friends, and neighbors in the community. There is no charge to attend any of our classes, although some of the classes require books.
Classes are available during the year in the following five areas:
I. Unitarian Universalist History and Identity
II. Religion: Theology and Faith Development
III. Spiritual Practice
IV. Social Justice and Ethics
V. Community and Personal Growth
Current classes can be found in the Learn, Grow & Be Together list on our news page.
For instance, many congregants are enrolled Jan.-April 2023 in Building the World We Dream About. Sponsored by the UU Council of Greater Cincinnati, this 12-week interactive workshop is designed to help Unitarian Universalists from all levels of multicultural experience to welcome, include and build community across diverse ethnicities, races and cultures, both in congregational life and when working in interfaith and community coalitions.
We are offering Mistakes and Miracles Tuesday evenings, May 23-June 13, 2023.
Also ongoing is Compassionate Communication Workshops and Practice Groups
Using Nov-Violent Communication principles and curricula, participants learn and practice reframing how they express themselves and hear others. Participants are led to express themselves with honesty and clarity, while simultaneously paying others a respectful and empathic attention.
Past programs:
Great Decisions
2020 topics included climate change, modern slavery and human trafficking, China’s road into Latin American, Artificial Intelligence and more.
Beloved Conversations
Last offered in 2018. Designed for transforming congregations, Beloved Conversations involves white and BIPOC adults in anti-racist, multicultural learning. Different modules focus participants on their individual development and socialization (“Within,”) their relationships and their congregation (“Among,”) and their congregation’s work in the community (“Beyond.”)
Chalice Groups
Our Chalice Group program offers a small group ministry for up to 10 people to connect deeply around a different topic each month. They run from October through May and include a service project. Facilitators meet monthly with the minister. These were not held in 2022-2023.
Enneagram Study Group
On hiatus. Study the personality typing system called the Enneagram, primarily through the use of group discussions and activities.
Tai Chi
On a break. Wear footwear with leather or cotton soles. We incorporate poetry and also Chi Gong warm-up exercises.