Speaker: Rev. Mitra Jafarzadeh

Water Communion

Come on back to church for a drive through/walk through service. Bring water from wherever you have (or haven’t) been to add to a common bowl of our shared tradition. There will be a chance to place stones for joys and sorrows.

There is not a … read more.

To Make Known

We promise to support each other in spiritual growth even though we don’t often talk about what the words, “spiritual growth” mean to different people.
This Sunday, we will explore how it is we make known to each other the deep ambiguous call of faith, or … read more.

Many meanings of “mission”

When you hear the word “mission,” does the themes song for the movie or TV show, “Mission Impossible” run through your head? Or does the word get confused with similar words like “vision” or “purpose?” Today we will consider how centering ourselves and our community … read more.

Singing into Civil Society

At St. John’s, we don’t have to sign onto a single belief before we can make church together. In being together, learning, serving, and working together; sharing joys and disappointments, we form a community. We do not all have to read from the same scripture, … read more.

A Risky Proposition

Every time we engage with life, we take a risk. Every time we enter into relationship, we risk our hearts breaking. This is always true. This week we will look honestly at the risk and rewards of living fully.

Martyrs and Saints

Today we remember and honor two of the ordinary saints of our movement.  We will tell the stories of Viola Liuzzo and Linda Kraeger.  Both women were moved by the faith they shared to serve the world and both lost their lives as they practiced … read more.

Dreaming of America

For Independence Day weekend, Rev. Mitra reflects on the dream of America and why it still matters, in our YouTube service, available at 9 a.m. We’ll also have a Pancakes (at home) and Patriotism discussion at 11 a.m. in which you’re invited to share a … read more.

Flower Communion

We’ll hold our annual flower communion in a way that avoids coronavirus transmission and still makes you smile. Details will be sent to members via email. Ready to head to Resor Ave.?

A Graduated Life

St. John’s UU hosts virtual services during COVID-19 protections. By 9 a.m. Sunday, you will find videos that make up the service on our YouTube channel. You can also enjoy previous weeks’ services, including music and stories for all ages.