Speaker: Rev. Mitra Jafarzadeh

Democracy for All

In our church and our tradition, we agree to use both the right of individual conscience, and the democratic principles to guide our work. Today we will look at what it means to have democracy, where the concept has been and where it might go … read more.

Labor Day – A Living Invitation

Rev. Mitra and Brennan Grayson will lead a celebration of labor day with a reflection on where we have been, an invitation to go forward, and music not to be missed! Brennan Grayson is the Director of The Cincinnati Interfaith Workers Center (CIWC). The CIWC … read more.

Safe & Brave

The world we live in can feel unsafe and the church we make together is supposed to be a antidote to that. We offer each other sanctuary. But I wonder how much we can expect to be safe when the world needs us to be … read more.

July 1 – Pancakes and Patriotism

We will start this Sunday with Pancakes at 10:00 and move to worship at 11:00. Bring your favorite patriotic quote to share for this morning’s worship service as we seek to remember and promote the promise of American idealism. Yes, I know we are far … read more.

June 3 – Flower Communion

It is a springtime tradition among many Unitarian Universalist Churches for each person to bring a flower to church and build a beautiful bouquet together.  At the end of the service, the flowers will be distributed, each person receiving a flower different from the one … read more.