Dear Church,
We hope this note finds you well in body and spirit.
This past week, we have created online worship, offered chalice circles over Zoom and held coffee hour on Google Meet. Josh, our music director made a lovely video teaching a little singing meditation that any of us can use when we are feeling stressed and Ashleigh and Marie, co-directors of religious life are working on connecting people on line.
Your board is actively monitoring the situation and is engaging in thoughtful discernment.
Following recommendations of the Ohio Department of Health, church services and meetings will be moved on-line through the end of April. We will continue to reassess how to minister and “do church” while keeping everyone as healthy as possible.
Several of you have reached out to leadership concerned about keeping staff paid. Because you have funded the church with your pledge dollars, we are able to keep our financial obligations. The money you have promised through pledges makes it possible for us to keep all our employees, including our pianist, caretaker, and nursery workers paid. Your program team and office administrator are working from home as much as possible and are finding new ways to build connection.
Some of you have asked how to give money when the plate cannot be passed on Sunday. There is a way already on our website. At the top right of our home page,, is a line of words in red. Click on “Give” and you will get a page with information on the pledge campaign. If you scroll down just a little, you will find an orange “Donate” button. This will take you to Paypal and you will be able to make a donation from the comfort of your home. You are also more than welcome to write out a check and mail it to the office. Thank you for wanting to continue to contribute.
What can you do now?
Join us this Sunday for worship and on-line coffee hour. Service will again be on our YouTube channel.
Call an old friend, just to catch up. If voice isn’t enough, try Facetime on Apple phones, or Messenger from Facebook to see their faces. These apps are free to use — you can talk long distance!
Sign up for Time With the Hymnal or a study of Theodore Parker’s “A Discourse on the Transient and Permanent in Christianity.” (see the invite elsewhere in this week’s e-News.)
Practice prayer and singing and being outside when you can.
Call / text / email your minister. (Rev. Mitra’s Cell: 513-503-8600)
Be well,
Rev. Mitra, Minister, St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church
Matthew Cowperthwait
President of the Board of St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church