Category: Minister’s Blog

“Dear Church” Letter for March 20

Dear Church,

We hope this note finds you well in body and spirit.

This past week, we have created online worship, offered chalice circles over Zoom and held coffee hour on Google Meet. Josh, our music director made a lovely video teaching a little singing meditation … read more.

Because we care about your health…

From March 13, 2020

On Wednesday night the St John’s board voted to suspend all church activities and all uses of the church building at least until April 2nd. This decision was made after lengthy deliberations focused on the heath and well-being of … read more.

A View from Italy

Dear Church, 

I am halfway through my visit to Italy and while I am learning a lot and having a great time,  I am also missing all of you.  I wish you could walk through this world with me and we could share our UU perspectives … read more.

Common Root

If you keep reading, I will try to tell you the only
important thing.

But first, some context:  Several members of St. John’s, and ministers and members of other area UU congregations, had occasion to be in court asking for an order of protection.  The details … read more.

A Leaf for a Fish

I have several betta fish, each in his own tank.  The most recent addition was a bit of an impulse buy.  He lives in my kitchen and is good company when I am chopping onions. 

Betta are supposed to like having these big brown leaves
added … read more.

Forgotten History

In today’s service, Joetta tells a forgotten history of Northern Kentucky, including the lynching of African Americans in the front yard of a Universalist family. Lynching is murder, a hate crime, and even an act of terrorism. Lynching is murder, a hate crime, and even an act of terrorism…

Listening to Stones

Over the last few years, I have moved through hope and curiosity to a troubled spirit in response to trends in our shared association. I have hope in the new generation of leaders of color who bring a depth of wisdom and a new perspective … read more.

A Discovery of Nothingness

Guest Post by Frank Meyer

Can you
think of a point in your life when something important you had taken for
granted turned out to be completely different? I bet you have no trouble coming
up with such a point – occasionally, the universe seems to enjoy throwing us … read more.

Ordination and our Intern Minister

May 5, 2019                                                                                                             Dear Members of St. John’s,

I am writing to share information with you about ordaining Alice to the Ministry.

Alice Diebel has been with us as a student for the past two years. As her final semester at seminary comes to an … read more.

Our Whole Lives (OWL)

Unitarian Universalists have helped equip young people with accurate and respectful knowledge about human sexuality and healthy relationships since the “About Your Sexuality” program of the 1970. More recently, we worked with the UCC church to revise the curriculum and create the “Our Whole … read more.