Tai Chi returns Sept. 7
Save time for Tai Chi and Chi Gong! We’ll meet in Krolfifer Hall on Thursdays from 10-11 a.m., every other week. There will be 8 classes, starting Sept. 7 and ending Dec. 14.
Please consider joining us for this beautiful moving meditation done to music (Huang style). We warm up with Chi Gong exercises, share poetry and check-in with each other. All are welcome.
Nan Fox has been practicing Tai Chi for many years, teaching at St. John’s and at UU summer camps. Questions? Feel free to call Nan at nanfox60@gmail.com.
The no fuss/no bother “Movie Club,” on the 2nd Friday of each month. Next outing, Sept. 8
Here’s how the “club” works:
We’ll pick a movie, movie house, and time on Thursday.
If you are on our roster, you’ll get an email. Otherwise, call or text us to find out where and when. Everyone is welcome!
Call Lyn O’Brien, 513-403-3833, or Pat Brown, 862-703-0289 for info. If you want to be on the roster, email lyn@lynobrien.com. So easy – show up, buy your ticket, and join us in the lobby. After, we’ll go for coffee, ice cream, and conversation nearby.
Men’s Group Pot Lucks
The St. John’s Men’s Group will hold a pot luck dinner and program on UFOs facilitated by Jack Neggerman at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 10. RSVPs to howard.tolley@gmail.com appreciated but not required, and walk-ins welcome. Rather than its regular monthly dinner the first Sunday in October, the group will enjoy a Saturday retreat beginning at 9 a.m. Oct. 21 with chair yoga followed by a program on male friendships and lunch served at Twin Towers in College Hill. Register with Howard by making an advance payment of $10 for the meal no later than Sept. 10. Scholarships available and newcomers are especially encouraged to check out the group. Questions? Ask Howard.tolley@gmail.com.
Sunday Morning Forums
Would you be interested in leading a discussion on a specific topic on a Sunday morning at 10 a.m.? Or would you be interested in helping organize monthly forums? Please contact Pete Asman (asmanpeter@gmail.com) or Diana Long (diana.r.long@gmail.com) of the Adult Faith Formation team if you would like to help. Topics can be faith-related, social justice-related, or merely informative on area programs or systems.
Sanctuary and Immigration Team, 7 p.m. virtually 2nd Wednesdays. Next meeting Sept. 13
Learn with our St. John’s UU Sanctuary and Immigration Team (SIT) about the region’s immigrants and refugees and how to support them. SIT meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. by Zoom.
Several members of St. John’s distribute food contributions through the Willows Project, with which we are associated. We co-led a very successful immigrant-welcoming Global Stews event in February. We are members of the Cincinnati Immigrant Dignity Coalition, and are involved with community organizations in our Cincinnati area, Butler County and Northern Kentucky. Join us to discover the many things that we do.
Visit us, come to observe, or find a niche for yourself. Contact: Sarah Loar Seibert, SIT coordinator, at seibertcs@zoomtown.com.
Adult Forums Return!
Starting Sunday, Sept. 17, the Adult Faith Formation team offers forums of different topics on the third Sunday of the month. The time will be 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. in Krolfifer, our fellowship hall. First one:
- Race Matters: Black Lives in the Supreme Court 2005-2023, Sept. 17
Howard Tolley, member and professor emeritus of political science, will report on race related US Supreme Court decisions made since John Roberts became Chief Justice. The court’s rulings on voting rights, gerrymandered election districts, school desegregation, the death penalty, affirmative action, lethal use of force by police, and prosecutorial immunity reveal the legal system’s evolving approach to resolving disputes over black lives as newly appointed justices reconsidered civil rights precedents.
For the next two forum topics, see this article on our news site.
———-Continuing programs or meetings———-
Meditation continues Wednesdays
Meditation is available 4-5 p.m. on Wednesdays in Haehnle Hall (the foyer). Even if you’ve never meditated before, come join us. If it’s your first time, please call or text so we know to look for you and let you into the building. For more information or questions, contact Erna at erna.olafson@gmail.com or Alicia at 513-807-9902.
Compassionate Communication Practice Group
This is on break until fall.
All sessions will be facilitated by Pamela Wilz, CNVC Certification Candidate.
Also coming back this fall: Enneagram.