February UU Council of Greater Cincinnati Meeting

Is Radical Inclusion Too Radical for Your Congregation? What Could It Mean?
This will be the topic for the breakout discussion at the Unitarian Universalist Council of Greater Cincinnati meeting on Saturday, February 8, at St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church, 9:30-11:00 am. There will be an optional free breakfast provided by the host church starting at 9 a.m.. Reservations are not necessary.

We will discuss what membership means to our congregations and explore ideas of a radically inclusive membership. Dan Schneider of First Unitarian Church will share ideas that he discovered at the 2019 General Assembly and will facilitate the discussion. How easy or difficult should it be to become a member of one of our congregations? What requirements do we have? Why should anyone want to become a member and continue as one? All who are interested in growing membership and involvement with our congregations are welcome to join us. ~Carol Fencl, Vice President, UU Council of Greater Cincinnati
Sat. Feb. 8, 2020
Time: 9:30-11 a.m. for breakout session (9 a.m. for breakfast)
Enter thru the back door from the parking lot,  up steps.  Call 513-582-6345 if you need the handicap door unlocked.
Next breakout session will be at our May 9 session at Heritage on Communications. More info to follow.